Terms & Conditions

Table of Contents

Payment is required at the time of booking. The preferred payment method is a credit card, which must be provided as a backup for any other payment options. Default payments will be handled case by case, potentially incurring administrative charges.
Delivery & Installation
Curbex will deliver and install signage at municipally approved locations. If specific sign placement is not approved, Curbex will place the sign in the best visible and bylaw-compliant spot. Installations and removals are done on start and end dates, with no guaranteed time. All signs will be installed on the start date and removed on the end date of the rental/permit period; there is no guaranteed time of installation or removal of signage. Rentals will not be prorated based on this.
Fees & Taxes
Customers agree to pay all rental fees, service charges, municipal permit fees, landlord administration fees, and applicable taxes as outlined by Curbex. A fuel surcharge may apply in certain regions and seasons.
Landlord Permission
Customers must obtain landlord approval for sign placement and provide a written consent letter upon request.
Maintenance of Signs
Only licensed Curbex installers may service or repair signs during the rental period. Curbex reserves the right to access the property for service and inspection.
Customers must report any vandalism immediately. Curbex will repair damage caused by vandalism or unforeseen circumstances.
Liability & Insurance
Curbex maintains a $5,000,000 general liability insurance coverage. Any unauthorized relocation of the sign voids Curbex’s liability. Curbex is responsible for damage from vandalism or inclement weather if the sign is not relocated or tampered with by the customer.
Customers cannot sublet or move the sign without written consent from Curbex. Unauthorized use or relocation may result in removal without prorated refunds.
Graphic Design Standards
Curbex reserves the right to approve all graphic and message content. Offensive content or any unauthorized changes are prohibited. Graphic design fees may apply, and Curbex will notify the customer in advance.
Cancellations must be made in writing 14 days before the next rental period. Failure to cancel in writing will result in automatic renewal. Early termination may void any discounted rates, requiring payment of standard rates and any reduced design or print fees.
Rental Duration
“Monthly Rental” follows city bylaws or a 28-day period where no permits are required. Annual contracts will follow the specified terms.
All communication is primarily via email. Orders made via email are considered agreed upon without additional signed forms. Providing an email address subscribes the customer to Curbex’s mailing list, with an option to opt-out.
Rate Adjustments
Curbex reserves the right to adjust rental rates at any time.
Contact Information
For any queries or further information, please contact:
Phone: 1.888.428.7239
Email: [email protected]